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The viem/chains entrypoint proxies the @wagmi/chains NPM package, an official wagmi package which contains references to popular EVM-compatible chains such as: Polygon, Optimism, Avalanche, and more.


Import your chain from the entrypoint and use them in the consuming viem code:

import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'
import { avalanche } from 'viem/chains'

const client = createPublicClient({
  chain: avalanche,
  transport: http()

Supported chains

  • mainnet
  • goerli
  • arbitrum
  • arbitrumGoerli
  • aurora
  • auroraTestnet
  • avalanche
  • avalancheFuji
  • baseGoerli
  • boba
  • bronos
  • bronosTestnet
  • bsc
  • bscTestnet
  • canto
  • celo
  • celoAlfajores
  • crossbell
  • evmos
  • evmosTestnet
  • fantom
  • fantomTestnet
  • filecoin
  • filecoinCalibration
  • filecoinHyperspace
  • flare
  • flareTestnet
  • gnosis
  • gnosisChiado
  • harmonyOne
  • iotex
  • iotexTestnet
  • metis
  • metisGoerli
  • moonbaseAlpha
  • moonbeam
  • moonriver
  • okc
  • optimism
  • optimismGoerli
  • polygon
  • polygonMumbai
  • polygonZkEvmTestnet
  • sepolia
  • shardeumSphinx
  • songbird
  • songbirdTestnet
  • taraxa
  • taraxaTestnet
  • telos
  • telosTestnet
  • zhejiang
  • zkSync
  • zkSyncTestnet
  • foundry
  • hardhat
  • localhost

Want to add a chain that's not listed here? Head to the wagmi References monorepo and read the Contributing Guide before opening a pull request.

Build your own

You can also extend wagmi to support other EVM-compatible chains by building your own chain object that inherits the Chain type.

import { Chain } from 'viem'

export const avalanche = {
  id: 43_114,
  name: 'Avalanche',
  network: 'avalanche',
  nativeCurrency: {
    decimals: 18,
    name: 'Avalanche',
    symbol: 'AVAX',
  rpcUrls: {
    public: { http: [''] },
    default: { http: [''] },
  blockExplorers: {
    etherscan: { name: 'SnowTrace', url: '' },
    default: { name: 'SnowTrace', url: '' },
  contracts: {
    multicall3: {
      address: '0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11',
      blockCreated: 11_907_934,
} as const satisfies Chain

Released under the MIT License.